Breathe Better...Live Better!
FREE Online Breathing Workshop

Discover the transformative power of your breath!

This is an introductory workshop where you’ll learn simple and effective breathing techniques to better manage your vital energy throughout your day. Nothing to lose… it’s only 30 minutes and it’s free!

The recipe: One part guided breathwork  and one part explanation of the benefits of each technique. You’ll learn how these breathing methods can influence the nervous system which will empower you to know when to practice them and why. Breathe in joy, calm and health… Exhale stress and anxiety. yoga nidra workshop personal mantra transformational coaching

Yoga Nidra Workshop

Yoga Nidra is a method of deep relaxation that helps you to relieve stress and to make positive change in your life. Discover the benefits of this ancient practice during this 90-minute introductory workshop.
Near the beginning of your Yoga Nidra journey, you will create a personal resolution statement or personal mantra to guide the energy of your practice. Planting the seed of this intention into the fertile terrain of your relaxed but highly focused state of mind and body increases your ability to let go of the things that are holding you back and to transform yourself in a way that is natural...with greater ease. 5 ways to increase your vitality workshop yoga transformational coaching

5 Ways to Increase Your Vitality

Learn how to increase your vitality through breathing, movement, mindfulness and mindset. During this workshop we will explore 5 ways to better manage your vital energy and avoid burnout. When used together, these techniques will help you to feel revitalized and allow you to tap into your full energy potential, giving you the resources to do all the things you love!